Brush Rods & Kits

Brush Rods

BR1438-24    Brush rod with M x F thread. 24” long rod for 1/4", 5/16”, and 3/8" tubes.

BR7161-36    Brush rod with M x F thread. 36” long rod for 7/16” to 1" tubes.

BR4-4        Brush rod with M x F thread. 4’ long rod for 1-1/4” to 14” tubes.


Brush Kits


5 ea     24” long brush rods

27 ea     Brushes in 3 sizes

BR1438-24-AB27N = for Nylon brushes

BR1438-24-AB27B = for Brass brushes

BR1438-24-AB27SS = for Stainless Steel brushes

BR1438-24-AB27MIX = 3 brushes of each size in each material (nylon, brass, and stainless steel)



5 ea    24” long brush rods

6 ea    Brushes; 2 ea  1/4”, 2 ea 5/16”,  2 ea 3/8”



7 ea    36” long rods

7 ea    Mixed brushes: 3 nylon, 2 brass, and 2 stainless steel.



5 ea    36” long brush rods

70 ea    Mixed brushes: 3 nylon brushes, 2 brass brushes, and 2 stainless steel brushes in 10 different

sizes for a total of 70 brushes.



6 ea 24" long brush rods
12 ea 3/8" brushes
12 ea 1/4" brushes
12 ea 5/16" brushes